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Hair care is a very vital process in hair growth. Oiling hair is one of the most essential things to do if you want thick and dense hair. Practicing this on a regular basis will be very rewarding and you’ll definitely see your hair change for the best.
Many people barely take care of their hair and blame genetics when their hair gets thin and falls off. This is not always the case, as genetics is not entirely to blame for thinning hair or loss of hair. Oiling your hair improves blood circulation to the hair follicles thus providing essential nutrients that promote thicker hair.
It also conditions the scalp and strengthens the hair root. Hair thickening techniques are many and it’s important to note that if you want hair to thicken you should focus on the root as the ends are weak already. There are many modern ways of making hair grow thicker such as hair transplants and medicine.
They are, however, very expensive or have many side effects. There are also many home remedies that can give you beautiful thick hair. They are very effective, relatively cheap and need time, effort and patience.
Table of Contents
Categories of Hair Oils
Basically oils are categorized into carrier and essential oils. You need this two to give optimum results. Essential oils are concentrated thus applied in small amounts. They have to be diluted with carrier oils.
Carrier oils which are also called base or vegetable oils are used to dilute essential oils. They are used in large amounts.
Benefits of Oiling and Treating Your Hair
Oils add moisture to hair and a bit of shine which is a really important. They nourish the scalp and help reduce dry flaky skin known as dandruffs. This will help in faster growth of hair and very healthy hair.
For oil treatments, you are supposed to massage the slightly warmed oiled to your roots and scalp and work it down to the tips, put a shower cap on for thirty or so minutes then wash the hair with all natural shampoo.
Specific Oils for Different Hair Types
Thin hair can be best treated with pomegranate seed or rosemary oil. For those who have thick unruly hair Coconut, avocado or Extra-virgin olive oil is recommended. Jojoba oil is generally great for all hair types. Hibiscus oil is suitable for both wet and dry hair as it has both astringent and moisturizing property.
Jojoba oil, olive oil and virgin coconut oil are recommended for normal hair; grape seed oil and hazelnut oil are good for oily hair and castor oil, olive oil and castor oil are good for damaged hair.
When we look at this into the two categories, we find how different oils contribute to hair growth and health.
Essential Oils for Hair Growth and Thickness
For essential oils we have, rosemary oil. This is great for thin hair and brittle hair and has been used as its remedy. Thin hair tends to hold dirt and toxins,. This oil cleanses it. In addition to that it contains vitamin B calcium and iron. Lavender oil is another good antibacterial essential oil that can soothe irritation, itchiness and dandruff. It is a relaxing scent and daily use helps reduce stress and tension.
Like other essential oils for thicker hair, a scalp massage with lavender helps hair growth. Castor oil prevents infections to your scalp. It retains moisture to the hair which is important for hair conditioning. It nourishes your hair roots as it contains omega 9 fatty acids which prevent the scalp from drying.
Peppermint oil is known for its benefits to the digestion and muscles. It also has anti-bacterial properties. This applied to the scalp gives a tingling, invigorating sensation that help boost blood circulation.
Other essential oils include cedar wood for dry scalp and thinning hair, sage, basil and juniper. They are generally expensive but are wort it.
Best Carrier Oils for Your Hair
Carrier oils are relatively cheap and include; Coconut oil which is the most powerful oils out there. It is great for the hair and also smells very good, it is rich in vitamin E and other nutrients, it will make hair thicker, shiner, healthier and have stronger roots. It also contains lauric and capric acid that makes your hair and scalp healthier and prevent an itchy scalp, dandruff and infections.
Avocado oil is carrier oil which contains proteins, amino acids, vitamin A, D, E and B6. It is important because proteins help fill in damaged airs in your hair’s cuticles, and thus repairing damages.
Extra virgin olive oil is also used for deep moisturizing treatment and to promote hair growth. When well massaged to the scalp it will improve circulation, promote scalp health and fight off bacteria leaving hair smoother and softer. Jojoba oil is another example. It’s a liquefied wax that is not actually oil. It is rich in vitamin A, E and D. This is great for all types of hair. It repairs damage to hair and promotes new, healthy hair growth.
Other carrier oils are macadamia nut, hazelnut, sesame, Shea butter and rose hip.
- When using these essential oils, add a few drops of carrier oils like olive oil, coconut oil and castor oils.
- It’s wise to buy edible oils (for cooking) because you are assured of the purity.
- Ensure you maintain a clean scalp as it is ideal for growing healthy thick hair. This can be achieved by regular oiling.
- It is highly recommended that you oil your hair at least once in a week and deep condition it to achieve maximum growth
- Since people are not the same, it is encouraged to try out different oils on your hair and different regime until you find the ones that work best for you.
Hair oils just like diets have a great impact on your hair. With many varieties of oils in the market, it is hard to know which oils are the best for your hair. With these oils above you are assured of getting the oil that will do justice to your hair and give you that thick sleek hair you want to have.
I personally love Pro Naturals 🙂